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FREE Shipping for Deliveries to UK Addresses on Orders of £50 or More !!


crossword competitionIf you're a bit of a bookworm then you'll probably enjoy our competition. It's a bit of light-hearted fun that tests your knowledge of books. Even if you haven't read, or don't own, all the required books, you can still find the answers with a bit of research. There's even a fabulous prize for the winner. Well, when we say fabulous we mean it's not bad at all ..... and by not bad we mean that it's all right ..... and after all it's better than nothing ..... look it's a prize, OK!  Here we go. It's quite tricky (but by no means impossible), and a wee bit complicated, so pay attention. This challenge has three parts. To win, you have to supply answers to all three parts, not just the final question. This is to avoid the use of guesswork in arriving at the final answer.


 Part 1:

Many of us can remember the opening line(s) of well-known novels. But how many of us can recognise the closing line(s)? Here are the closing lines of six books. Some are probably recognisable, others less so. Your challenge is to name all six books in which the lines appear. If it helps, all six books are for sale in our on-line store. Some words or phrases have been omitted, to avoid making the entries too long, or the answers too obvious.

‘Even the mature historian’s privilege of setting forth conversations of which he knows only the gist is one that I have availed myself of hardly at all’

‘I am the storyteller at the end of time. I know how it ends. It ends like this’

‘He loved Big Brother’

‘On that event they removed to … and the parsonage there, which … had never been able to approach but with some painful sensation of restraint or alarm, soon grew as dear to her heart, and as thoroughly perfect in her eyes, as everything else, within the view and patronage of … had long been’

‘He locked eyes with her. The doll was gone. He knew he was going then. He knew’

‘… I was a Flower of the mountain yes when I put the rose in my hair like the Andalusian girls used or shall I wear a red yes and how he kissed me under the Moorish wall and I thought well as well him as another… then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain flower and first I put my arms around him yes and drew him down to me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes’

Part 2:

Take the initial letter of each of the six books discovered in Part 1, and re-arrange them to form the title of another book by another well-known author.

Part 3:

The final challenge is simply to name the first published novel from the author discovered in Step 2.

So, there you have it. Email your answers to all three parts to The first correct set of answers received before the closing date of May 31st will win a £10 gift voucher which can be redeemed against any purchase in our on-line store. The gift voucher will expire 3 months after its date of issue.


Photo courtesy of Francesca Saraco
